This is a recipe my brother Dave shared with the family. It's quite dramatic right from the oven. This is a cross between a pancake and a souffle. It's...
I have used vanilla and nutmeg in my pancake recipe for 20 years. This is a variation of a recipe I found on Allrecipes when I could not find my old recipe....
Hearty wheat bread with nutty flavor and lots of good tasting seeds. All the seeds and the Vital Wheat Gluten were available at my local health food store....
This is a very unique breakfast dish. Good for any holiday breakfast or brunch, it's filled with the fresh taste of blueberries, and covered with a rich...
This delicious smoothie is sweetened with natural sugars. Replace any of the fruit ingredients with your favorites if you like, but make sure one of them...
SO easy and SO good! This is comfort food for me at it's finest, my all-recipe friends! Like pumpkin pie for breakfast, but you don't have to feel guilty...
This triple berry French toast is a Christmas brunch tradition at our house and perfect for a busy household on Christmas morning as it is prepared the...
This is a great make-ahead dish and you can also substitute just about any ingredient! Just tailor the seasonings in the egg mixture to suit the ingredients...
This is a great recipe for a vegan tofu scramble! A healthier, vegan-friendly alternative to scrambled eggs! We love it because it is so easy to make,...
This is a warm and creamy rich pumpkin drink that taste like a StarbucksĀ® pumpkin latte, but with NO caffeine. It is very kid-friendly or great at the...
We're strong believers in sleeping in and brunching on the weekends (we didn't work hard all week for nothing!), so it's only natural that we treat ourselves...
This recipe is South Beach and Atkins Diet friendly. We have been eating high protein, low fat, low carb for quite some time and missed some of our favorite...
This recipe comes from a hand-written addition to my mother's Home and Garden cookbook (you know the one with the red and white checkers that used to be...
This is a great base recipe for a quick breakfast. Customize to your taste with jalapenos, diced green chiles, bell peppers, turkey bacon, a half-egg-white-and-half-whole-egg...
There are not all that many brunch cookbooks, so when I come across a good one I get really excited. Gale Gand's Brunch has, according to the book's...
This is one of my favorite drinks to make when having a family breakfast or before/after a workout! You could add ice or cinnamon to your drink if you...
The perfect solution for a grab-and-go breakfast for you or the kids! Freeze individual omelets and reheat in the microwave. Mix and match the veggies...
This is one of my favorite recipes from a B&B (Fairholme Manor) my husband and I stayed in in Victoria, BC. I eat the pancakes with creme fraiche alone,...
I invented this recipe when we had sleepover guests and a lot of leftover salmon from dinner. A wonderful Sunday breakfast for a crowd! I've subsequently...
Fun and festive mini waffles are baked on lollipop sticks and covered with two kinds of chocolate, shredded coconut, and macadamia nuts for delightful...
If you are looking for a recipe to satisfy hunger and a sweet tooth, look no further than here. This is a low-calorie silver dollar pancake. Delicious...
This spin on the popular brunch dish of chicken and waffles is delightfully easy to make at home. Customize it to your taste with your favorite cheese...
Adding an egg to your regular oatmeal not only ups the protein content, but also makes for an extremely thick and creamy bowl of oatmeal. Mixing in peanut...
My daughter LOVES these for breakfast on school days, and I feel great knowing she devoured some spinach, a meat, and a carb before working hard all day...